The most important thing that you should consider before the season begins is the physical condition of your team and players. At AIT we can offer a full range of physical and physiological tests for your players in preparation for a busy season. These tests give information on the properties of endurance, speed, muscular endurance, strength, coordination, technical, and agility.
From the results of the testing, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the players and train them accordingly, a follow up test can then also evaluate the effectiveness of your training program and track changes throughout the season. Fitness testing also allows you as a coach to set both short term and long term goals for them, the prospect of a player being tested periodically throughout the season also serves a great motivational influence to help get the most out of your players.
Full Package Testing – Recommend we offer two testing days 6-8 weeks apart for teams who have S&C supports, supply them with recent research on the normative data in their given sport to compare against.
Offer possible V02Max dependent on the sport not always relevant
- CMJ (Jump Height = Lower Limb Power)
- Drop Jump (Reactive Speed Index = Reactive Strength/Power)
- 1 Repetition Upper & Lower Body Testing dependent on training experience
- Agility Testing
- YOYO/Bronco/ Bleep Test
- Maximal Velocity & Acceleration Speed testing
To book in your testing sessions & price enquiries please contact